Saturday, August 25, 2007

I journal a lot in my quiet times. It helps me to keep my thoughts focused, and putting in to words what the Lord is teaching me helps me to really grasp the priciple. After I finish one notebook and start on another I always go back and read through what the Lord has taught me throughout that period of time in the old journal. As I was doing that this morning, I was struck with how many times the Lord laid on my heart to pray for a single christian mom I am friends with and her 18 year old son who knows the Lord but is not walking with Him right now. Part of my prayer was that I just wanted to SHAKE this young man. He KNOWS the truth; he knows our Lord. I want to force him to serve his Savior. But then (isn't it amazing how this works?!) the Lord turned my frustration into to amazed thankfulness. How grand it is that faith doesn't work that way. No one can force you to serve Jesus. He lovingly give us the free will to choose Him. How much sweeter it must be for Him when we decide to follow after Him.

I have been burdened with (in a good way!) the amount of unsaved people around me. Sometimes I forget how many there are, because I have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding me (no complaints here)! Sometimes I feel like a broken record in my prayers for my family and the unsaved friends Micah and I have a lot of contact with. But, our Lord is SO faithful! I may never see responses to my requests. But, shame on me if I ever start thinking that's why I pray for them!

I pray, Lord that You would keep me faithful in my prayers for them. That I
would never lose track of why I want them to know You. It is NOT for my
satisfaction, Lord, but for Your glory.

Yet, if I do see responses...praise the Lord! He has rewarded years of prayer time and time again.

I encourage you ladies...keep at it. He wants you to bring your concerns to Him. If there is something on your heart that you've stopped praying about, I am praying that you would pick up the burden again with new vigor.

Have a blessed day!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful reminder, dear Magen! Thanks for sharing. :) Can you pray for us as we look for a new church this next month? Thanks much!

tsbjf said...

Good post. I can totally relate to the broken record. A story I heard on the radio or read somewhere recently really encouraged me though. There was this Godly man who had 5 unsaved friends, and obviously he wished for all of them to come to know the Lord. He prayed for them one at a time until they got saved throughout his whole life, and the 5th one got saved just before he died! So I have picked out 5 people that we know, and I've been praying for one of them, so we'll see when he decides to come to Jesus.