Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photo O.O.T.T.W.I.L.A.T.Q.A.Y.A.Y.H.T.F.I.T.A.B.C.A.P.I.A.N.D.A.E.T.T.Y.F.S.A.H

Laurel did this thing on her blog a LONG while ago. I don't normally like these O.O.T.T.W.I.L.A.T.Q.A.Y.A.Y.H.T.F.I.T.A.B.C.A.P.I.A.N.D.A.E.T.T.Y.F.S.A.H things. Mostly it's because I never know what to call them!! :) But also because they're all the same.

But, this one is kind of cute.

Here's how it works: Figure out your answers for each of the below questions. Put your answer into a Google image search. Grab the first interesting image for each answer, and post the images on your blog. I won't be tagging anyone cause if you wanted to do ityou probably would if I tagged you or not!

Hope you enjoy!

1. The age you will be on your next birthday
2. A place to which you'd like to travel

3. Your favorite place
4. Your favorite person

5. Your favorite food

6. Your favorite animal

7. The town in which you were born

8. The name of a past pet

9. The first name of a past love

10. Your favorite color

11. Your first name
This is a picture of MAGEN's Bay. Spelled "right" and everything! Isn't that cool?!? :)

12. Your middle name

13. Your last name


Laurel said...

Neat! I'm so glad you did it. :-)

Reagan said...

That's pretty cool - Makes me want to try it. Maybe I will! I was trying to figure out, based on the picture what you were refering too...Winnie the poo is your favorite person? :)

tsbjf said...

I had to go to Laurel's blog to figure out exactly what was going on, and then I got it. :)

Jessie said...

Ummmm... sounds hard but looks fun.

lanes said...

What a fun post! I'm going to copy this and do it on mine someday. Thanks for sharing!