Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 23 of the never ending pregnancy!

Hehe...ok, ok. My baby is almost a year old and here I am STILL posting about the pregnancy. Maybe some day you'll get to see pictures of him, but I'm willing to bet all of my readers have met him in person long ago! :)

I have already posted through Week 32, but just recently I came across this post about Week 23 that I hadn't posted for some reason. Now that I think of it, I probably didn't post it because I was having a baby!!

Anyway, I don't wanna miss any of the details, so I thought I'd just post it now!

Hope everyone's having a good week!


Week 23 started on November 6th.

Micah finally got to feel our baby move on Saturday morning, November 7th. He was really excited, and I was so happy that he finally got to experience what I'd been feeling for a while.

That weekend we attended a parenting conference. It was very encouraging to get some great godly advice and to see that other parents don't have everything figured out! Parenting will definitely be a learning experience. And, as much as I don't like it, will probably have to be a lot of trial and error as we figure out what works for our family.

The conference was a great time of fellowship, and we both left even more excited for our little one to arrive!

I spent most of the following week sick with a cough and unable to sleep most nights. It's not fun at all to be sick during pregnancy - I spent a lot of time researching what I could and couldn't take for all my aches and pains. I'm such a baby when it comes to pain! How on earth am I going to get through this delivery?!

1 comment:

tsbjf said...

Hey, I haven't met your kid yet! ;)