Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 14

Week 14, which would have fallen on September 4th through the 10th, was a pretty exciting week in the pregnancy.

The week started with Labor Day weekend, which we spent at a camp work retreat. While at camp, we met one of our new nephews, Joel. I'm not sure if it was Joel's arrival that sparked Micah's thought process or not, but he started making a few comments that made me wonder if he was having second thoughts about a hospital birth.

Micah and I had talked about delivery options several times before we'd gotten pregnant, and he was pretty set on having a hospital birth. So, when I found out I was pregnant, I made an appointment with a midwife that could practice in the hospital, so that he could have the hospital birth, and I could have a little more relaxing atmosphere.

Then on the 8th or so he brought home The Business of Being Born which is a documentary (a bias one, I think - but aren't all documentaries?) about home births.

By this time, I was really starting to wonder what was in his head! After talking for a while, he said that I could switch to the birthing center!

I had an appointment with my first midwife on Wednesday the 9th. I called the birthing center to enroll with them (I had to strike while the iron was hot - didn't want Micah changing his mind again!) and they told me to go ahead and keep my appointment on the 9th because they wouldn't be able to get me in that soon. So, I went to my 2nd, and last, appointment with my midwife where I weighted 148.5 lbs, which is a total gain of 3.5lbs thus far, but down 1.5lbs from the last appointment. My mom accompanied me to this appointment so that she could hear the heart beat.


tsbjf said...

I've been thinking about birthing centers since having Ada, but I'll probably just stick with the usual trying to get to the hospital routine. We'll be at a new place this next time around. So was he really thinking of a home birth?! Cool that you got the birthing center like it sounded you wanted.

MagenRanae said...

Oh, no. Micah was never thinking of a home birth. It was just that watching the video on home births made him think that a birthing center might not be so bad! And now, before even having the baby, I think he's fully converted! After going there a few times, I think he really thinks it's what's best in our situation.

But, I really really can't imagine doing a home birth! I think I'm too germ-a-phobic! I like the idea of someone else cleaning up the mess!!