Monday, December 04, 2006

Here I am...

discouraged once again. I have such a hard time knowing that I'm not going to be able to get as much stuff done as I'd like when I'm sick. I was only able to get a few hours of sleep last night, and because of it, I didn't get started on work until noon. Then I had Bible study from I've really got a lot done in 6 hours, if you ask me! Including all of my laundry. But, the enemy of my soul is attacking. You could pray for me. I need to be getting more than this done every day to be on track for the finals...but more importantly, I need to be resting in God's faithfulness. He IS faithful. He WILL provide the time and energy I need to take these finals. Pray that this knowledge will be in my heart, not just my head. :)


tsbjf said...

What kind of sickness do you have? Sorry you're being dragged down, no good.

MagenRanae said...

It was stomach stuff...i think it might have been food poisoning...but i'm good now. :) Rather, God is good.

Laurel said...

I'm praying for you, Magen! You seem to have such a huge amount on your plate. Wisdom, peace, and rest in our wonderful Savior - those are the things I'm praying for you.