Monday, August 31, 2009

My first day at my new job....

and I'm loving it!!

I've had a few moments of extreme giddiness already. One happened around 4pm on Sunday when I was kind of dreading the end of the weekend - until I realized I wasn't going back to my old job! Then I just got really excited about starting my massive to-do list. :) What should I call this 6 months when I'm not working, but not too occupied with mothering? Something like "The Indianapolis 500" comes to mind, but I think that's been done before. :) Any ideas?

My second moment of giddiness came when I woke up at 5:45 this morning and had to restrain myself from jumping out of bed to start my list! I'm sure the newness will wear off in a matter of days, but it sure is fun while it's here.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back in the saddle again!

I was going to post these pictures with a date and break down of the stores and how much I paid for each thing - but, I seem to have forgotten. I started couponing again a few weeks ago...but blogging didn't follow as fast as I thought it might!

Anyway, I think I spent around $7 or $8 on all of this stuff - so I happy to be back in the swing of things!

How has everyone been?